Reed Diffusers We also accept money orders or e-checks through Paypal !

Reed diffusers are taking home fragrancing and aromatherapy to whole new levels ! Here at The Diffusery, reed diffusers are ALL WE DO and we are happy to be your #1 choice in reed diffusers and reed diffuser refill oils !

What You Should Know About Reed Diffusers

Once upon a time in the wonderful continent of Europe, the people who lived there used an innovative method to scent their homes. They would take old oil bottles, fill them with scented essential oils and stick long, thin reeds in them. They found that by doing this, it would make their homes smell wonderful for months at a time. They called them reed diffusers.

Although the Europeans have been using this method to scent their homes for hundreds of years, Americans have been a little slow to catch on. Reed diffusers started to catch on in the late 1990's when Americans started to look for more natural and economical ways to scent their households.

Reed Diffusers are a wonderful way to be both elegant and economical. Considering that a bottle of reed diffuser oil can last up to 8 months, they are a very inexpensive way to scent your home. Not to mention the scents are plentiful and smell so wonderful ! Other air fresheners just can't compare.

There are some things to be aware of when choosing a reed diffuser. Look for good quality reeds that are made from rattan. Do not try to save yourself some money by buying your own wood skewers. They may look the same but are very different. The reeds have multiple channels that absorb the scented oil.

Look for diffuser oils that do not have alcohol in them. Not only is alcohol flammable, but your oil will not last as long as an oil made without it. Another thing you do not want in your oils is a harsh chemical solution such as DPG (Dipropylene Glycol). One company that sells reed diffuser oils that are alcohol and DPG free is The Diffusery .

Diffusers make wonderful gifts for almost everyone. All of us want a great smelling home. Reed diffuser gift sets are the perfect gift for the new bride, shower gifts, teacher gifts, a gift for the new home owner, secret angel or pollyanna gifts, boss and co-worker gifts, gifts for the person who already has everything, gifts for the people who you haven't got a clue what they would like, and for your family members and friends. Again, companies such as The Diffusery offer a variety of affordable reed diffuser gift sets.

There are other benefits besides those already discussed for choosing a reed diffuser as your aromatherapy option. One is their ease of use and energy efficiency. There is no flame, nothing to plug in, and nothing complicated to put together. Just turn the reeds over occasionally is all you need to do.

Reed diffusers are such a lovely, elegant option compared to other air fresheners out on the market. The bottles themselves sometimes come with cute little charms wrapped around them or you can actually make your own to match your decor. What a fun and easy craft project! Just take some gold, silver, or metallic wire and wrap it around the neck of the bottle. Add cute charms, beads or gems to it for a personalized decor accessory to match your room.

I am sure by now, you are ready to go out and buy your own reed diffuser kit. You now know what to look for. Once you try a diffuser, you will never want to use anything else.


Dawn Turner, an expert in fragrance diffusion, owns The diffusery sells reed diffusers and Reed Diffuser Gift Sets. Dawn, a self professed scent junkie, loves to travel with her husband, listen to music and watch reality TV.


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