Reed Diffusers We also accept money orders or e-checks through Paypal !

Reed diffusers are taking home fragrancing and aromatherapy to whole new levels ! Here at The Diffusery, reed diffusers are ALL WE DO and we are happy to be your #1 choice in reed diffusers and reed diffuser refill oils !

Reed Diffusers: A Safer Option For Home And Health

Anyone who loves to incorporate smells into their home knows that there are some major disadvantages to commonly used items like candles and incense. Reed diffusers offer a far safer option for bringing the scents you love into your home.

The Dangers

Both scented candles and incense give off smoke which can be very irritating to the mucus membranes, particularly in small children and anyone who has respiratory issues. On top of this, they both involve fire.

Anyone who has ever had a close call with a candle is aware of just how quickly open flames can go wrong . . . it just takes a moment for an innocent apple scented candle to catch the curtains or a painting on fire and you are in danger of losing your entire home! Unfortunately, this is all too common as more and more people attempt to scent their home with their favorite smells with these unsafe methods.

A Safe Alternative

Reed diffusers don`t require fire or give off unpleasant smoke or fumes. Instead, they work by wicking the essential oils of your choice up through a number of small channels. The delicate scent is then exuded by the reeds in a non-irritating manner, providing all the scent without the irritation to lungs and eyes.

In addition to being safe, reed diffusers actually have several health benefits. Essential oils are frequently used in aromatherapy and the same concepts apply to the aromas that you use in your home. Want to induce a calm, peaceful feeling in your room? Try a lavender reed diffuser oil. For sparking creativity and increasing energy, peppermint or similar blends work very well and are ideal for using in your home office to help you stay awake, even without caffeine. Though, of course, you might find a coffee scented essential oil to wake you up, as well!

Whether you`re thinking about aromatherapy and the effects of each scent on your mind and body or are just interested in making your house smell pleasant, reed diffusers are a great option. Avoid the dangers of open flames and smoldering which comes with scented candles and incense and opt for something safer, instead. Reed diffusers won`t cause health issues or danger to your home and they provide a lovely smell for weeks on end, lasting far longer than other scenting methods.


Dawn Turner, an expert in fragrance diffusion, owns The diffusery sells reed diffusers and Reed Diffuser Gift Sets. Dawn, a self professed scent junkie, loves to travel with her husband, listen to music and watch reality TV.


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